American Institute for Stuttering
A nonprofit offering expert speech therapy and community support for people of all ages who stutter. Financial assistance available.
A nonprofit that provides support, advocacy, and life-changing programs for young people who stutter, ages 3-18.
Teens & Children
Stuttering in Children
Basic tips for parents with a young child who stutters
Stutter Conversation
A podcast and instagram account started by anaussie teen that opens up space for a conversation about stuttering.
Online Groups
Stutter SubReddit
Stuttering Support Group on Reddit: Discussion and information on stuttering.
STAMMA Arts Network
A support group, collective, community of stammering artists across the world.
La Fundación Americana de la Tartamudez
La Fundación Americana de la Tartamudez ofrece información, servicios y apoyo a las personas que tartamudean y sus familiares, a la vez que ayuda a financiar investigaciones sobre las causas de la tartamudez
Arts, Blogs, Music, Magazines, and Books
The Clearing
The Clearing is an album and book. Ellis presents “The Clearing” as a concept that challenges us to reimagine dysfluency in speech and question how speech and articulation impact how we exist in the social realm.
Out With It: How Stuttering Helped Me Find My Voice
A heartwarming memoir and a journalistic feat, a story about understanding yourself and learning to embrace the voice within.
Life On Delay: Making Peace With A Stutter
This memoir promotes a simple message: Obtaining true peace comes from accepting every part of yourself, including the things that bring you shame.
A magazine that holds the perspective that stammering isn’t black and white or even isolated – it intersects with politics, disability, activism, art, design, identity, time, psychology and more.
Communication Community
A speech, language, and communication blog for parents, caregivers, and more.